About me...

Take a look at some these interseting projects i have been able to create with the help of sheCodes.

Greetings I'm

Sarei 🩶 Aldaba

Frontend Developer, based in USA

As I was growing up and jumping from home to home, I learn a few things about myself that will forever be the building blocks of my future. The capability to assess a situation and act accordingly to avoid conflict. Strong adaptive skills are essential for the road that awaits. Inner peace is the ability to surpass once failures and continue striving for success over all the chaos. Here is an insight to what has motivated me to pursue front-end development. I’ve worked in fast-food establishments, medical facility’s, and renewable energy (service wind turbine technician). The one things all of these businesses have in common is they required a a strong and effective website. For as long as I can remember I was intrigued by how applications worked and what it took to make them look good. I would like to just say thank you to SheCodes for the flexibility and reliability to complete these amazing projects.
